Posts Tagged ‘dry cleaning’

How do we keep track of your orders? Take a peek behind the scenes…

Week after week you drop your clothes off to be cleaned. After we process your order, how can we tell your navy blue blazer from the many other navy blue blazers we receive? We appreciate your business and thought you might like to take a peek behind the scenes.


The answer to the age-old question…

“Clothing Doctor” Steven Boorstein appeared recently on the Today show and answered a question that many of us in the dry cleaning business get on a regular basis: “Why does it (dry cleaning) cost what it costs?” Steven’s answer is spot on (no pun intended), see for yourselves…


How Dry Cleaning Works

Dry cleaning is a process that cleans clothes without water. The cleaning fluid that is used is a liquid, and all garments are immersed and cleaned in a liquid solvent — the fact that there is no water is why the process is called “dry.” In this video HowStuffWorks takes a behind-the-scenes look at the dry-cleaning process so that you can understand what happens to your clothes after you drop them off at the cleaners!


Is my dry cleaner really green?

Since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides no standard definition of an environmentally friendly cleaner, and has no approved cleaning solvent or process, professional cleaners can call themselves “green” regardless of their practices and policies. Some cleaners erroneously claim to be green simply because they use one type of solvent over another. This practice of “green washing” their business is simply a sales gimmick. Being “truly” green actually has very little to do with which solvent they use. Being truly green is a multi-faceted combination of environmentally responsible policies, programs and practices.
